Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yearly post... about time.

So I finally made it back to this place.

It's odd, I was walking around my neighborhood this evening and passed a cute boy who happened to do a double take as he walked past a pair of women holding hands.

This is Park Slope. Please move on. There are lesbians in the 'hood... just don't feed them.

I have nothing against lesbians, quite the contrary, I enjoy their company very much. I just think it's a funny fascination of most people. Live, girls, live.

Aside from that, a lot has changed since my last post. I finished reading Seven Pillars of Wisdom (months ago) and it was quite satisfying, if a bit long winded. I've also read several other books. I've been dating seriously for the first time. I started a full time job and have managed to keep it. A lot of friendships have developed exceedingly well and I'm more secure than ever. All in all, life is good... but for some reason I can't shake a feeling of stress. There is something within me that thrives on it, holds on to it, and can't let go. I'm not trying to invent stress, but maybe I do invite it. least I'm beginning to recognize it, right?

A friend of mine said one of the most profound things today... she was concerned that one of her students was moving on, starting at a new high school and wouldn't have time to continue tutoring. While she was sad that her student of a few years was leaving, she said at the same time that she had to embrace it.

Maybe it was fate's way of telling her to move on, to not use obligations to others as a crutch for not pursuing new and possibly lucrative ambitions.

I admire her steadfastness and positive outlook on life... she is incredibly strong-willed and has what it takes to succeed in the world of writing. You can find her blog here.