Friday, November 12, 2010

Cashing in on QQ

According to an OgilvyOne Worldwide survey, the No. 1 social media activity among social media users in China was "Pimp up my avatar."


Imagine if you were selling a cool hat or set of sneakers on that website for avatars...there are around 650 million users of QQ in China. If you could sell to half a million of those for like 50 cents to a dollar (approximately 3-5 yuan) each then you'd be golden.

How do I get in on this...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Earlier this week, The New Yorker published a piece on Irving Penn's new display over at the Pace/MacGill Gallery entitled Archaeology.

The stark contrasts of the ordinary objects that he's compiled with the bones of animals (including that one known as the human animal) are both mundane and fantastic, and while these are still photographs they come alive with the shadows. I think that my favorite part is the dust or rust that settles around the objects, giving them an untouched if he stumbled upon the placement of the objects as is.

I never thought I'd be the one to say this particular phrase, but anyone want to go stroll the galleries?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Robyn is my muse

I wish I could figure out how to embed this in my own blog, but for now, just visit this site and be amazed.

It's about 10 times better if you've got a set of those bi-colored 3D glasses.

Now get the f' outta here.

