Monday, February 4, 2013

All grow'd up

So, more than a year since my last post. Whoops.

(I initially referred to this post as an "entry." Goes to show that I'm still thinking about this as a diary. Oof...gays, forever teenage girls.)

The funny thing is, last year, I wrote more than ever before. I started the year working and writing at least one article for a newsletter, every day of the work week. Then I changed jobs and now I've been writing reports and industry trend pieces. I also took several writing classes that I like to think improved my writing...

Maybe not.

I've been working on fiction, which is new for me, but I like it. By working, I mean I wrote about 12,000 words last fall and haven't touched it in nearly two months. I'll get to it -- I still like the idea and the premise works.

I'm determined to see more music this year. I totally fell out of the loop as far as live music goes, and I have no excuse. I live in New York F'ing City. There are great bands here every week, a lot of venues within walking distance to my apartment and tons of opportunities beyond. No excuse!

So I guess this is sort of three resolutions for 2013: continue to improve my writing, work on my fiction and see more live music.

Also, could use more discipline...or not.

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