It's been quite an eventful year. I feel like I've posted to this blog more, in the second half at least, and I'm trying to set myself up for a strong 2011.
In that vein, there is one thing that I usually don't do around this time of year...resolutions.
I don't know why, really. Maybe it's the fact that I am completely annoyed by the resolution crowd at the gym, taking up space with their huffing and puffing and barely working out. Maybe it's because I'm afraid of not achieving my resolutions and getting down on myself. Maybe it's because, in essence, the new year doesn't really mean too much in the whole of my life, as it is just another day.
Regardless of why I haven't in the past, this year I've decided to make a couple of resolutions.
In no particular order, here they are...
Take lunch to work twice a week Get out of bed when I first wake up, even if it's before my alarm Practice my Rosetta Stone Spanish Levels 1-3 twice a week Write and complete something once a week through May, twice a week after Buy a guitar and learn to play it Visit a museum, gallery or lecture at least once a month
I've posted them to the back of the door of my apartment. Most of them are about self improvement, but some are focused on having discipline. I feel like that is the one part that is really missing out of my life right now &mdash the discipline to really pursue my ambitions. I guess in itself, making resolutions is an attempt to remind yourself that discipline is necessary to achieve every goal, no matter how small.
Whatever the reason, I've made them. I guess now is the time to man up and figure it all out!